A Floral Company

Doris' Diary

Meet Ione!

Eleanor Ione is the most lovely, resourceful, clever woman and I am so fortunate to have her as my grandmother.

Everything she touches is made prettier. The drabbest table would be draped with a pretty tablecloth, a boring window, accented with a pretty curtain. She has such a knack of refreshing the most boring things and making them cheerful!

She was amazing in the kitchen and always trying new recipes as well as making the family favorites. Her holiday spreads were always a special treat with dozens of different desserts and my favorite, mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream along with warm rolls!

I remember fondly camping as kids and she and my grandfather would get to the site a day or two early and have the most beautiful campsite set up, complete with real plates, a wash station, flowers on the wooden dining table and a fire blazing every chilly morning.

She is still crocheting and has made an afghan for everyone in the family as well as numerous friends. I struggle with crochet and it is my goal to do it as beautifully and effortlessly as her!

I aim to be as steadfast, hardworking and resourceful in my life as she has been in hers.

Destiny Pinson